The usual smorgasbord of art happenings to stuff your brains with across the cultural hotbed of Digbeth. Audio experimentation with the Vivid Projects curated Transmission at The Black Hole Club featuring a live streaming performance from Jeff Kolar alongside installations and artwork from several Black Hole Club artists including Alex Billingham and Coral Manton. Late night opening of the ‘Production Show: Artists House’ and ‘the conditions we’ve set up for ourselves’ exhibitions at Eastside Projects, poetry and music as part of the poetry exchange project at Centrala with performances from Stephen Watts and Sebastian Sterkowicz amongst others and immerse yourselves in the ‘Totality’ of the universe beneath a huge rotating mirror ball at the Think Tank. We’ve only scratched the surface of what’s on offer so check out the full lineup here. Best of all is the Supersonic Social at Centrala, get ready for the UK’s number one experimental festival with artists, volunteers and punters. It’s a great way to immerse yourself in the creative nirvana of the Supersonic family and steel your senses for the incredible festival onslaught that kicks off on June 16th. DJ sets from Sausage, Dorcha, Mothwasp and Girls! Girls! Girls! Supersonic visuals and an appearance from unhinged local eccentrics GorillaBot. Read our full Supersonic festival preview here.

Fri 2 Jun at various venues across Digbeth.

Fri 2 Jun
Giles Logan
Published on:
Sat 20 May 2017