Every first Thursday of the month the Beatfreeks storm Impact Hub for an evening of spoken word poetry for the collective creative community. Young aspiring poets, experienced laureates and rookie rhymers are all welcome to showcase their talents in an indiscriminate, liberal environment. Headed up by young, free radicals like Amerah Syal, Beatfreeks are a youth engagement agency based in the city who strive to bring out the best of Birmingham’s creative contributions – whether that be through spoken word, music, dance or collective art spaces. Common responses include crying, laughing and, oftentimes, singing along to the varied collective of spoken word offerings which can range from the political to the comedic and they create a welcome and safe space wherein you can wholeheartedly enjoy the musings of the innovative mind. Whether you’re a creative-type seeking a stage, a spoken word enthusiast, or simply looking for some engaged entertainment in Brum – the Beatfreek’s Poetry Jam is the ideal Thursday night escape.

Thu 4 May & First Thursday of every month at 7pm, Impact Hub, Walker Building, 58 Oxford St, Birmingham B5 5NY. Tel: 07706 297102 Free. www.beatfreeks.com/poetry-jam

Thu 4 May
Joseph Coupe
Published on:
Sat 1 Apr 2017