So here’s something novel to turn your day – and quite possibly life – on its head: the Praise You Project’s rave that starts as the sun rises and aims to kickstart your day with dancing, yoga, massage, a healthy breakfast free hugs and fancy dress. Get in! Early morning dancers are encouraged to light-up some inner inhibition-shedding fires, let the decor, dress and giddy ambience deal with the psychedelics, swap the booze for intoxicating tunes and prove that groove really is in the heart. Rise & Rave’s radical approach to partying promises a pretty awesome way to start the day, by getting down but not so dirty. Listen, we’re not ‘morning people’ either, but we’ll see you there to get high on life.

Wed 19 Oct, The Church, 22 Great Hampton Street, Birmingham, B18 6AQ. Tel: 0121 448 3866 6.30am – 10.30am, £5

Wed 19 Oct
Hana Borrowman
Published on:
Sat 1 Oct 2016