So much better than your average bar banter, imagine heading down to your local to hear talks on everything from forensic science to alternative worlds, robots to bacteria resistance, stem cells to gravitational waves – from people who actually know a thing or three about their own specialist scientific subjects. Well dream no more, meet the cold, hard scientific reality as over 30 scientists appear in city pubs over 3 nights as party of a globally enlightening science festival. Pint of Science brings a unique line-up of talks, demos and live experiments to your local over 3 days of extremely engaging scientific activity. The Church Inn, The Gunmakers Arms, Island Bar, The Platform at Millennium Point and The Woodman will all host mind-blowing boffins ready to blow the froth off your pint and expand your mind with their spectacular knowledge. Tickets are only £4 and selling out fast, so make yours a quick one.

Mon 15 May – Wed 17 May. Various venues & times. £4

Mon 15 May - Wed 17 May
Hana Borrowman
Published on:
Mon 1 May 2017