Despite the world being a mess, some good things do happen and some very funny ones too – Sofie Hagen is both. In a culture where women’s bodies are still a target for constant unbridled judgement, scrutiny and sexual standardisation, there are a few voices drowning out this braying conformism with a loud, heartfelt laugh in the face of the system that spawned it. Amidst this raucous chorus of badass female body warriors (include Lena Dunham, Sara Pascoe, Caitlin Moran et al) using intelligent comedy as their weapon of choice, is Sofie Hagen’s – and it’s charmingly contagious. Expect sex, feminism and fatness. Expect an enticing Danish accent and cute observances on our British social quirks. And expect to laugh – loudly. Comedy Carousel nights run weekly at The Glee. This event also features the marvellous Nathan Caton and is compered by Andy Robinson.

Comedy Carousel Thu 18 May, 7pm at Glee Club, Arcadian, Hurst Street, Birmingham B5 4TD £11 (£5 student) or £29.50/£12.50 with food.

Thu 18 May
Hana Borrowman
Published on:
Tue 9 May 2017