Launched in 2011, the Shock & Gore festival has gone from strength to strength, and is another reason Birmingham is established as one of the best cities in the UK for cinema, always with an eclectic and imaginative schedule featuring not just gory classics but obscure gems from the fringes of cinema. Expect Q&As, introductions, live scores and foodie happenings, all for the most part, housed in the beautiful Electric Cinema. Unmissable events include a Conjurer’s Kitchen wicked Silence of the Lambs eatalong, we dread to think what snacks Annabel de Vetten will be serving, a screening of Ben Wheatley’s J G Ballard adaptation High Rise atop the Rotunda and the unpleasantly hilarious postman baiting serial killer frenzy of Man Bites Dog.

Fri 27 Jul to Sun 5 Aug, most screenings at The Electric Cinema, Station Street, Birmingham B5 4DY

various prices

Check out the full Shock & Gore guide here.


Fri 27 Jul - Sun 5 Aug
Giles Logan
Published on:
Fri 29 Jun 2018