If you enjoy a good scare and are feeling particularly brave then you will want to get yourselves along to the wonderful Birmingham Storytelling Cafe’s next event. Master storyteller and speaker of the unspeakable Sef Townsend will be exploring the dark side of ancient Jewish folklore. Sef is a captivating and hypnotic storyteller possessed of that deliciously literary knack of giving the spoken word incredible life and power. We don’t mind admitting we’re a little nervous and just remember removing the hair from the milk is the kiss of death. The Kitchen Garden Cafe is probably the cosiest venue in Birmingham and we’re sure they will look after you. They also sell stiff drinks alongside the gorgeous coffee and cake.

Wed 18 Jan 7.30pm at Kitchen Garden Cafe, 7 York Road, Kings Heath B14 7SA Birmingham £7.70 birminghamstorytellingcafe

Wed 18 Jan
Giles Logan
Published on:
Sun 1 Jan 2017