No we’re not talking holidays in an antique box on wheels we’re talking Icelandic stoner rock of epic proportions. Drawing on influences such as Zep, Rush and Cream, filtering them through their own metal prism and producing mile high riffs and rhythms. Founding member Óskar Logi Ágústsson knows his way around the fret board and the jack hammer wall of sound is littered with stunning solos and gentle intros. Amazing live performers switching easily from punch to the stomach riff monsters like ‘Expand Your Mind’ to the subtle beauty of prog rock epic ‘Innerverse’. Swedish metal heads Dead Lord will be bringing their stripped down Lizzyish noise along in support. Heads will be banged.

Mon 7 Nov 7pm at Rainbow, High Street, Digbeth, Birmingham B12 0LD £11

Mon 7 Nov
Giles Logan
Published on:
Wed 2 Nov 2016