Trash Film Night presents Bloody New Year (dir: Norman J. Warren, 1987, cert 18)
Let the Trash film night boys, Luke and David, hold your hands and gently escort you towards the threshold of 2017 in the company of this timely and utterly rubbish non-masterpiece of cinematic drivel. Featuring a rowdy and live commentary, thrill in the absolute ineptitude of Warren’s direction and the several planks thick acting as a rabble of stupid teenagers are shipwrecked on a mysterious island. For a film entitled Bloody New Year there’s a distinct lack of the red gooey stuff and the major shock is that it ever got made at all. The only horror film we know that was filmed in the sunny climes of Wales’ Barry Island. ‘The last day of the year…or the last day of your life’. Who’d have thought such crap could be such good fun.
Thu 29 Dec 6pm at Electric, Station Street, Birmingham B5 4DY £6.50

Thu 29 Dec
Giles Logan
Published on:
Thu 1 Dec 2016