Celebrating the bard’s 453rd birthday in aptly creatively cutting edge style, the fun and games at this family-day will culminate in a Shakespeare performance to end all others at the Birmingham Rep this Saturday. This fun, interactive day for kids aged 8-18 and their parents will use Twelfth Night and King Lear to bring two of the Bard’s best-known plays to life. From rehearsals to performance with costumes, props and sound in just one day. Audiences are welcome to the 3.30pm performance.

Sat 23 Apr, The Birmingham Repertory Theatre, Centenary Square, Broad Street, Birmingham, B1 2EP. Tel: 0121 236 4455. 11am – 4pm. Kids tickets: £10, accompanying adults go free.

See more:www.birmingham-rep.co.uk

Sat 23 Apr
Hana Borrowman
Published on:
Tue 19 Apr 2016