Gorgeous gay abandon will rule as awesome Disco DJ tag team Horse Meat Disco bring their heady party atmos to the H&H. Ambassadors for all things disco, funk & soul, expect a steamy, sweat-drenched session full of dancefloor debauchery and beautiful high spirited beats aglow with party panache and giddy with glitterball cool. Hosting packed parties across the globe from their HQ at Eagle London in London’s inner city Vauxhall to various venues in New York, Berlin and Paris, the now infamous Horse Meat club nights are inspired by the grooves and inclusive ethos of New York’s heady club scene in the 80s & 90s. Exceptional, sexy fun for all. Don’t miss a trick, get tickets early.

Fri 11 Nov, Hare & Hounds, High Street, Kings Heath, Birmingham B14 7JZ. 8pm, £12.50. www.skiddle.com

Fri 11 Nov
Hana Borrowman
Published on:
Sat 1 Oct 2016