In 1980 punk rock chancer and self aggrandizing publicity Frankenstein Malcolm McLaren created Bow Wow Wow. Basically Adam & the Ants with the then 13 year old Annabella Lwin on screeching vocals rescued from her job at a North London dry cleaning establishment. The tribal drumming of home taping anthem C-30 C-60 C-90 Go, the world’s first ever cassette single, established both band and Annabella as bright young new wave things. Roll back the years and don’t forget home taping is killing music.

Fri 19 Aug, 02 Institute 3, 78 Digbeth High Street, Birmingham B5 6DY £15, 6.30pm.  bow-wow-wow-tickets

Fri 19 Aug
Giles Logan
Published on:
Mon 15 Aug 2016