We’re excited by this. A debut event at The Sunflower Lounge featuring twelve hours of wonderful psychedelic tinged grooviness. The Sunflower has always had an ‘out there’ countercultural vibe that makes it a reliably unique destination for those seeking something a bit ‘different’. This feels like an explosion of everything that makes The Sunflower tick. Fill your ears with garage rock and vintage pop sweetly engineered by a raft of DJ’s including regulars Ben Drummond; Priscilla B and Dandy Randy, browse vintage and vinyl stores, peruse the starkly beautiful art of Molly Cleaver and stuff your faces with Filthy Jim’s jerk bbq street food (veggie options). We’re already looking forward to Hein! Quoi? Bazaar! Number two.
Sun 27 Aug 2pm at The Sunflower Lounge, 76 Smallbrook Queensway, Birmingham B5 4EG Free www.facebook.com

Sun 27 Aug
Giles Logan
Published on:
Tue 1 Aug 2017