We are so impressed and surprised that legendary Dutch comedian Hans Teeuwen is bringing his Real Rancour show to Birmingham, and in the intimate surroundings of the Glee Club no less. It’s been six years since Hans last performed in the UK. Fiery and confrontational but with an irresistible boyish charm he is impossible to pigeonhole and has spent his career defying expectations. Though politics rarely enters his act he is a fervent supporter of free speech, a position that was intensified with the terrorist murder of his friend Theo van Gogh in 2004. Unpredictable, wild, intelligent and most importantly hilarious.

Mon 24 Oct at The Glee Club, The Arcadian, Hurst Street, Birmingham B5 4TD £17.50 www.glee.co.uk/

Mon 24 Oct
Giles Logan
Published on:
Sat 1 Oct 2016