Anyone who went to see the magical, lamplit loveliness of his royal highness of local low-key balladeers at his last Birmingham Town Hall gig in 2014 (and there were quite a few of us) will be sharpening up their elbow-patches for a front-row seat at this more intimate occurrence. Matthews returns, guitar in gifted hand to make more acoustic magic for a show supporting his new single The Lantern Flower from forthcoming album Home Part 2, due for release in September. As Matthews describes as ‘his brightest spectrum of light to date’.
Tue 12 Jul, the Glee Club,The Arcadian, off Hurst Street,Birmingham, B5 4TD. 7.30pm, £12.50
Also see our Sat 2 Jul Banstock preview (Scott Matthews headlines) here
- Words:
- Hana Borrowman
- Published on:
- Fri 8 Jul 2016