In a career spanning more than half a century Judy Collins has been a pioneering force in folk music investing her work with an unrivalled eclecticism, her recordings in the sixties of, the then relatively unknown, Leonard Cohen’s poems still resonate powerfully today. Her social activism at the height of the counter culture movement set Collins apart from the constraints of traditional folk music garnering a respect and reverence that is undimmed. It’s been a long and eventful journey from 1961’s debut album A Maid of Constant Sorrow to last years crowd funded Everybody Knows, recorded with Stephen Stills, but the music is as potent as ever. In the snug and intimate atmosphere of the Glee this will be a unique opportunity to share a lifetime of experience and songs with an icon of popular culture.
Tue 29 Jan 7pm at The Glee Club, The Arcadian, 70 Hurst St, Birmingham B5 4TD £25
- Words:
- Giles Logan
- Published on:
- Tue 28 Aug 2018