David Cross – Aggressively non pc; the American funny man and his knowing smirk have appeared in countless television shows and films. Probably best remembered for playing Dr. Tobias Fünke, in the hilarious Arrested Development, his screen credits are as wide ranging as his stand-up comedy. Alvin and The Chipmunks anybody? Cross has a reputation for not pulling any punches in his stand up and has been embroiled in several controversies, notoriously admitting to snorting cocaine at a White House Correspondent’s dinner attended by President Barack Obama. Cross explained, “It wasn’t like I got high…It was just about being able to say that I did it, that I did cocaine in the same room as the president.” Steel yourselves, but be prepared, this is a man who released an album with the title: “Shut Up You Fucking Baby!”.

Wed 22 Jun, 8pm, 02 Institute, 78 Digbeth High Street, Birmingham 56 DY. £25.75. Tickets: www.livenation.co.uk

Wed 22 Jun
Giles Logan
Published on:
Sun 19 Jun 2016