Stanley Kubrick’s kinetic version of the Anthony Burgess novel has been a source of great controversy since its release in 1971. Withdrawn by the director himself in the UK; in protest at a 70’s media storm blaming the film for inspiring a raft of violent attacks, it was only possible for decades to view the film on poor quality bootleg copies. Birmingham’s pop up cinema group Brum Cinema Addicts have managed to secure a license to screen Kubrick’s nihilistic masterpiece, so now’s your chance to gorge your eyes on its incredible visual beauty in the plush Mockingbird cinema on the big screen. Kubrick’s mischievous mix of classical music, ultra violence and jackhammer imagery will leave you breathless and still has the the power to shock. You have been warned. Expect themed cocktails and food. Yarbles and great bolshy yarblockos to you.

Sat Aug 13 8pm at Mockingbird, Custard Factory, Digbeth, Birmingham B9 4AA £5

Sat 13 Aug
Giles Logan
Published on:
Mon 1 Aug 2016