Sideways (dir: Alexander Payne, 2004, cert 18) is one of the most relate-able films in cinema. Its central conceit of middle aged adults past their prime, following unfulfilling lives into an uncertain future has a particular resonance with audiences. Tapping into that existential dread that we as individuals have still not realised our potential in a life that is whizzing by at breakneck speed. Throw copious amounts of wine into the mix and whilst things may not get resolved it will be a hell of a lot more fun discussing it. A beautiful and at times hilarious ensemble piece as our heroes struggle to find meaning and hope. Paul Giamatti’s performance is mesmerising. Now imagine watching Sideways with the expert sommeliers  of the Hotel Du Vin on hand to provide tastings and explanations of five different wines at key points in the film and we don’t mean Jack’s cheap Merlot. A gloriously cool concept and kudos to the Electric for the imaginative way they are luring punters back to the cinema. We can’t wait for this.

Thu 10 Nov 7.30pm at Electric, Station Street, Birmingham B5 4DY £24 (including wine)

Thu 10 Nov
Giles Logan
Published on:
Sun 30 Oct 2016