We are so excited. The most imaginative and eclectically satisfying film festival in the Midlands, nay the UK, is returning in April to turn Birmingham into the go to city for any self respecting cineaste. Expect screenings in cathedral’s, industrial units, cafe’s, in the open air, possibly even in a cinema. The leftfield nature of its programming and scheduling is what makes Flatpack such a delirious joy to attend. Best way to see it all? Get a week’s pass, arm yourselves with a bicycle and get pedalling between venues. Prepare to have your eyeballs dazzled, your brain boxes unsettled, your feel good reserves flooded and your intellectual muscles stretched tight. The only way we could recommend Flatpack any higher would be to climb atop the BT Tower King Kong style and shout at you about it through a jet powered megaphone. If you can’t do everything, just pick a little niche screening and immerse yourself in the wonderful vibe that Flatpack generates. With 200 films across 6 days we strongly recommend studying the full lineup of events when it’s announced in early March. In the meantime, to whet your cinematic appetite, check out some of the headline events already announced, including the exciting festival opener which takes place at the defunct Grand Hotel in its long disused ballroom and features screenings of Segundo de Chomón’s short films complemented by a live score. Also to look forward to are a live rescore of David Lynch’s experimental masterpiece Eraserhead by French band Cercueil as well as the UK premiere of the 4k restoration of Mulholland Drive.  Matthew Barney’s extravagant and ultra rare Cremaster Cycle will be screened in all its garishly controversial glory and we’re especially excited about finally seeing the Sleaford Mods geezer documentary ‘Bunch of Kunst’. There will be daily updates and recommendations throughout the festival.

Tue 4 Apr to Sun 9 Apr at various venues flatpackfestival.org.uk

Tue 4 Apr - Sun 9 Apr
Giles Logan
Published on:
Fri 10 Mar 2017