CineQ returns to Centrala after its highly successful first screening of Closet Monster last month. Focusing on the many different perspectives within the queer community, this queer film night in partnership with UNMUTED (a collective providing a safe space for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people of colour here in Birmingham) aims to explore the perspectives of QPOC (queer people of colour) and the similarities and jarring differences they face as a community within the LGBT+ community. This month They’ll be screening the queer documentary Check It, one of the most controversial and emotionally raw documentaries to come out of the film festival circuit over the last two years. Check It follows a group of disadvantaged LGBT+ black youth homeless in Washington D.C. one of the most violent places in America in terms of street crime, as they form a street gang to protect themselves from violent that seems to plague them on a day to day basis. Alongside this must-see queer documentary, CineQ are also facilitating an a post-film discussion with UNMUTED, a safe space for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people of colour, in order to bridge the gap between parts of the community and shine a light on many of the issues faced in the film. For more details see: here.

Thu 28 Sep at Centrala, Unit 4, Minerva Works, 158 Fazeley Street, Birmingham B5 5RT. 6.30pm – 9pm. £4

Thu 28 Sep
Rico Johnson-Sinclair
Published on:
Fri 1 Sep 2017