Backwards looking, forward thinking brand Retroforward invite dance veteran Mark Seven to the Hare & Hounds. Before the acid house boom, before the Haçienda, before the superclub – was Shoom, the blueprint for the clubbing experience as we know it today. Legend has it that the name ‘Shoom’ itself represents the feeling of coming up on ecstasy for the first time, the chemical catalyst that catapulted dance music to the forefront of the public consciousness back in the late 80s. Like many young adults of his generation, Mark Seven got caught up in the acid house hysteria, regularly attending Shoom and the equally hallowed Future. All of this inspired him to curate his own events in the capital, but his love of dance music led him away from London on a journey across the US and Europe to his current base in Stockholm, creating his cult classic Black Lodge mixtapes, conceiving Parkway Records and putting together tonnes of great music along the way. Mark Seven is a part of dance music history, so don’t miss your chance to nab one of just 120 tickets to this intimate show.

Sat 24 Mar, Hare & Hounds, High Street, Kings Heath, Birmingham, B14 7JZ, Tel: 0121 444 2081, 9pm-3am, from £11, 

Sat 24 Mar
Greg Woodin
Published on:
Sun 4 Mar 2018