Legendary producer and post punk pioneer Steve Albini has been blazing a high powered steamroller over musical expectations for decades with little regard for sentiment, rules or legacy. Through Big Black’s pounding Roland TR-606 driven anarchy, to fighting through protesters to perform as Rapeman, before ploughing into the current vessel for his minimalist creative juggernaut, Shellac. Utilising wilfully complex amelodic rhythms that are thrashed out on antique aluminium guitars building a uniquely discordant and melodious racket over which Albini delivers the most acid tinged lyrics you will ever hear. Live shows can be unpredictable with gig’s being stopped mid-set so the band can enter into discussion with the audience. We are overwhelmed with excitement for this as should you be.

Fri 6 Oct 7pm at The Asylum, 38-43 Hampton St, Birmingham B19 3LS £22 www.skiddle.com

Fri 6 Oct
Giles Logan
Published on:
Sat 12 Aug 2017