Kiri Pritchard McLean | Thu 5 Apr | mac | £10
McLean is a fearlessly confrontational comic who is quite comfortable poking around for uncomfortable laughs in the most unusual of places. New show Appropriate Adult explores her time working as a volunteer with vulnerable children and it is hilarious, don’t worry the jokes are all on

Dane Baptiste | Fri 6 Apr | Glee | £12
Baptiste is aiming at big social issues in new show G. O. D. (that’s Gold. Oil. Drugs.) Not frightened to challenge his audiences, and himself, the intelligent and award winning comic unloads on a raft of topics in his usual languidly relaxed style.

Tracey Collins | Thu 12 Apr | Old Joint Stock | £12
A great opportunity to catch a work in progress show from award winning comic Tracey Collins whose hilarious repertoire of characters includes Audrey Heartburn, Barber Streisand and our favourite Tina T’urner Tea Lady, who takes audiences on a bizarre and surreal trawl through the eighties canon of Tina Turner.

Tony Law | Fri 13 Apr | Glee | £12.50
Tony Law’s latest episode of his uniquely surreal humour, Absurdity for Common People, doesn’t disappoint, it’s a way out there blast of cheery muddle headed laughs discussing trampolining, bonobos in the Congo, Silk Road and driving a rubbish truck downt the mall. Our advice? Buckle up and just go with the flow as Tony’s imagination wanders into oft unscripted flights of comic fantasy.

Robin Ince | Fri 20 Apr | mac | £12
Ince’s searing intelligent comedy is always a delight live, we were a bit worried after he announced his retirement in 2015 but Robin is back with more insightful dissection in new show Pragmatic Insanity, a sharp exploration of science, art and human perception.  We wouldn’t expect anything less from the co-presenter of BBC Radio 4’s The Infinite Monkey Cage.

Tez Ilyas | Tue 24 Apr | mac | £15
Ilyas came to prominence with his sharply observed Tez Talks that hilariously explore life in the UK as a Muslim man. There is a mischievously subversive air about the slick funny man as he hosts a fake seminar on converting to Islam or inspirational speeches on integration that are so tongue in cheek we wonder he doesn’t choke. New show Teztify continues this vein of intelligently prescient comedy.


Sun 1 Apr - Mon 30 Apr
Giles Logan
Published on:
Tue 3 Apr 2018