Matthew Bourne and his New Adventure’s dance company are renowned for their ability to transform classic ballets into imaginative adaptations accessible for everyone. His version of Cinderella is gracing the stage at the Birmingham Hippodrome and promises to be a sell-out production, following his successes with numerous pieces like The Red Shoes which received rapturous compliments when performed in Birmingham last year. This version relocates the classic fairy tale, setting this evocative love story against the back drop of war-torn 1940s London. Bourne brings a vivacity and authenticity to a genre of dance that is too often considered out-dated and irrelevant. With the help of his astonishing company of dancers, led by Cordelia Braithwaite and Ashley Shaw as Cinderella, this raw and touching tale of lovers will come to life on stage in a way you’ve never seen it before. This company are equally talented theatrically as they are technically, using only tone of movement and animated facial expressions to tickle you or move you to tears. Pair that with Lez Brotherston’s extravagant costumes and sets, which won an Olivier Award for his original designs, and lighting by Olivier Award-winning Neil Austin and this production is inevitably going to be simply incredible.
Tue 6 Feb – Sat 10 Feb, The Birmingham Hippodrome, Hurst Street, Southside, Birmingham, B54TB.
2.00pm/7.30PM, £19.50.
- Words:
- Hannah Brierley - Theatre/Performing Arts Editor
- Published on:
- Mon 1 Jan 2018