Withnail and I (dir: Bruce Robinson, 1987, cert 15)

Probably one of the most quotable films ever and a staple of the UK student movie canon since it’s release. However, it’s not just uproarious high jinks as our heroes go on holiday by mistake. It’s actually a subtly nuanced tragedy as the youthful I has to decide whether it’s time to take a leap into adulthood and the future. The London Zoo ending still brings a tear to our eye. Anyway, here’s our favourite quote, ‘I feel like a pig shat in my head’. We’re very excited that, as part of the 30th anniversary celebrations of the film, Withnail himself will be appearing at the Electric in the flesh to take part in a Q&A. No details up on the Electric web site as yet but tickets go on sale Tuesday 25th April and will disappear faster than I escaping Uncle Monty’s sexual advances. We will update this space as soon as we know more.

Sat 24 Jun at Electric, Station Street, Birmingham B5 4DY www.theelectric.co.uk

Sat 24 Jun
Giles Logan
Published on:
Fri 12 May 2017