You know the score by now, whether it’s a fashion, environment or cash-friendly concern, these weigh-ins make magnificent sense, pull in punters aplenty and offer a truckload of opportunity to sort yourself out sartorially for the seasons ahead. Setting up its endless stalls in the vast hallowed space of St Martin in the Bullring with a £15 per kilo price tag, this one should be a belter. Worshippers at the fashion altar can marvel at the setting and sheer weight and magnitude of funky vintage clothing, before making like a magpie, paying like a pauper and going home with armfuls of treasure worthy of a (distinctly dapper) royal ransom. Go on, weigh in.

Sat 10 Jun at St. Martin in the Bull Ring, Edgbaston St, Birmingham B5 5BB. 11am – 4.30pm, £1.50 or £3 early bird tickets (10am entry)

Sat 10 Jun
Hana Borrowman
Published on:
Sat 1 Apr 2017