With his deadpan despair at the utter ridiculousness of modern life Sean Lock can sometimes cut a despairing figure. His despair usually spells laughs for the rest of us though, as he shakes his head and launches into yet another miserably hilarious diatribe against the futility of it all. He has promised to ‘Keep It Light’ with his new show; so be prepared for Lock performing ballet and an intricate exposition on the clown inhabited land of Wackyistan, but we know Sean and his cheery cynicism is never far away. Best illustrated with the Sean Lock bucket list or fuck it list as he calls it. We think Sean’s world view is best encapsulated in his one and only tweet to his 90,000 followers. “Due to numerous imposters I have been forced to set up a twitter. Now go f**k yourselves.” Two extra dates added for 2017.

Mon 27 Feb and Tue 28 Feb 7.30pm Birmingham Hippodrome, Hurst St, Southside, Birmingham B5 4TB £25 www.birminghamhippodrome.com/

Mon 27 Feb - Tue 28 Feb
Giles Logan
Published on:
Sun 16 Oct 2016